The handle bags are made from Non-woven, PP non-woven, PU, PVC, and so mang kinds of material, we also can call them shopping bags, ladies bags, cosmetic bags, market bags, hand bags,washing bags,fashion bags,coin bags,drawstring bags,wallet bags,woman' bag.They can be used for ladies when they are shopping in the market, or when they are going on the street to buy something, it is good design and nice design are welcomed by some many customers. And non-woven bags have the very competitive price in the market due to its specially material.
The handle bags are made from Non-woven, PP non-woven, PU, PVC, and so mang kinds of material, we also can call them shopping bags, ladies bags, cosmetic bags, market bags, hand bags,washing bags,fashion bags,coin bags,drawstring bags,wallet bags,woman' bag.They can be used for ladies when they are shopping in the market, or when they are going on the street to buy something, it is good design and nice design are welcomed by some many customers. And non-woven bags have the very competitive price in the market due to its specially material.
- Size:46x35x23cm
- Material:Nylon