70 years since the 20th century began, FENDI has developed another family so that they will never survive the high-quality products - handbags. To say how many classic FENDI handbag series, two people can not count to four hands: In 1997, the Baguette bag, later Ostrik handbags, Diavolo and Biga handbags, handbags, and Chef, and others to recover the shape of the total fine Long-shaped long French bread bags, set off a worldwide craze, as representative FENDI.
If you dressed in tasteless professional package to rush to the party, is to change the style of shiny handbags best way to increase your intensity. This simple dress and handbag with python pattern, highlighting the unique simplicity and immediately make you the center of attention.
Cute candy colored handbags, while attractive, colorful handbags also highlight the youthful vigor and break wear the old-fashioned heavy, for you to add the moving of spring.
Fendi patch this year, a sense of actually playing, maybe you do not think it has much beauty, however, fashion, and sometimes that does not need to explain. This is most suitable for a bag of clothes with a simple, intended to put the focus on the body on this unique bag.