this colour is not easy to capture by camera, a slight change of lighting source will make so much difference.
i used to own the '05 in city, and i know how hard it is to get the colour right with a camera. so i'm going to post few pictures.
the leather on '05 balenciaga are good IMO, although i still prefer the '04 or older. the magenta leathers are thick and pretty shiny to me, that is one of the reason i let this bag go. shiny is just not my thing.
first, these 2 pictures are comparison colour on the left, magenta '05 aka ciclamino and the right, magenta '08.
the '05 is very bright, it really POPS... it's somehow like the colour of the cartoon character Barney.
The '08 are "softer" in comparison.
magenta '05
the left one are mine, i took pic in yellowish light
magenta '08
07 LE magenta city, 05 magenta first, 08 magenta GSH CP
pics borrowed from lovely Pfers : burukogepanda, rollergirl, MarieG, Z&J, nada