Not only this bag kills in black and electric blue, but it gives the bag a brand new appeal and look. In fact, I can not believe the gray version is exactly the same bag as that. I would have bet he was not. Black and blue, I'm sold. I need more folders in my life and it is the perfect example. The bag has a strap long with a 14 "drop so you can sling the bag on his arm. It handles well over there, but as I said before, I'm on the ramp in length. body shows several pockets and silvertone snaps, bringing the look edgy McQueen is known for. Outside two zipped pockets and a pocket pressure while the interior has a zip pocket and open pocket.
The gray just seems so secure and lame, but the black leather back the edge and the blue is the color rocker pop, rock can carry McQueen. Buy from Saks for $ 1450th