Fendi Borderline Satin Clutch
What is this? My eyes deceive me? Could you really look at a decent life Fendi bag? I do not know if I'm hoping this is a nice handbag or what, but it's certainly worth writing. When I think about it, there is one word that really captures what I feel about Fendi bags, disappointed. They are too out there or too light for me. Personally, I fully support all logos slapped on the stock. However, the ceiling limit Fendi clutch caught my attention. First, I like the navy. For me, the Navy is the kind of color that can be completely casual or strong and unwavering. Not only does the color blue, but the hardware is made of satin! Who does not want a bunch of satin? And since the material is wrinkled, it seems that it would be less likely to strike the material as if it were only smooth satin. tone gold and silver buckle means that you can rock gold or silver accessories without thinking twice.
As you open the clutch and throw in your key for the night, you will find beautiful red lining. The best part, I see this clutch, carried by a person who is rather reserved as easily as the most gregarious person I know! So, dare I say ... I actually like this Fendi bag! What do you think? Buy through Net-a-porter for $ 1,110.