Ok - I know many of you are much more than Fendi and honestly, for good reasons. Usually I am less impressed when I see most Fendi bags. I guess that for most of the time I feel the bags are overpriced (the Fendi Baguette bag beads comes to mind) and disproportionate. However, agree with me or not, but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the Fendi Hobo Selleria. Indeed, in fact, I had to look at the designer's name twice when I saw this bag. Contrary to what I'm used to Fendi bags, this hobo is actually quite simple: black leather upholstery, classic hobo design, and fine grain. I really like the contrasting white stitching detail, it is simple, but it adds a little something. The woven leather shoulder strap provides an additional texture to the bag. Hobo is the kind you can carry almost every day of the week with almost any outfit. Of course, there is nothing about this bag that is out of the ordinary or that really catches the eye.
But at the same time, I think we can all use a bag or two, which is a basic collection. So what do you think, even if you do not add this to your collection hobo, you're surprised that a Fendi bag? Buy through eLuxury and $ 1,460.
Matching Jewelry:Fossil Folkloric Semi Flex Bracelet