Fendi Patent Leather B Bag
Fendi B Bag is nothing new to the scene. In reality, this bag a great success when he arrived and is now available in a wide range of colors, sizes and materials. Good for those who love him, the bag is often marked by later in the season, if the association has not been a resounding success. What is a pastel turquoise? Fendi leather bag B has been published in a blue tint, which is the color of the sky with pastel punch. While blue is a popular color, this particular shade is very Easter-ish. But this shadow resembles the chain brass handles on it. Large loops on the front and details on signing F brass buckle component is actually an asset. I'm not sold on this bag and color combination. The only positive point for me is that blue is an appetite suppressant. So if you take this out to lunch and dinner, your cravings disappear (you never know!). $ 1,860 per Net A Porter.