Prada Cervo Lux Shoulder Bag
Sometimes the number of small things. A handbag, after all, is a utility building is beautiful in its absolute necessity - a bag that has been difficult to achieve would be useless for most women. As such, only as a design change can make a bag, and I often think they make a cute bag with a minimalist design innovation is much more difficult to make a bag that art first and second utility. That's why I like the Prada Cervo Lux Shoulder Bag - because in his heart, is just one handbag. It's a mixed bag to be all that with two straps long enough to throw over your shoulder. Its magnetic closure is easy to connect and disconnect, and its corners and ties are reinforced for durability. It's a bag that is supposed to be used in place of seeing. There is a fastener here and there, a retail chain (I love the straps), but it is almost confusing in its simplicity.
Prada bags makes ingenious, of course, but I think it's safe bags like this that serve these dedicated fans. Buy from Saks for $ 1,995.