Fendi Beaded Baguette Bag

Wow - for several reasons! Fendi is a brand that always catches my attention. I'm not always interested in the bags, because they tend to be too "strong" for my taste. But come on people, whatever their taste, Fendi, so why not look at least twice? Therefore, you can see, if nothing else, why I stopped taking a second look at the Fendi Beaded Baguette bag. I'll be honest, when I saw him I thought he was too busy. Dedicated to the way some bags or shirts that finally gives you a headache or make wild-eyed, if you look too long. As I watched a little longer and a little more, I find myself going crazy, instead began to really notice the craftsmanship of the bag. The bag has a colorful bead double F logo on the front and is adorned with a water hose and close. This is a limited edition bag and each comes with a serial number embroidered on the inside.

And add a little more, the interior is lined with a red satin hot. In particular, the holiday season creeping up on us, one might imagine if this type of investment, if this gift was part of a collection? You see, I was right, WOW! Wait until you see the price tag on this bag, if you do not say "wow" again, I'm sure now. Buy through Net-a-Porter for $ 6,670.00.

Matching Jewelry:Fossil Set Stone Multi Bracelet