Every time I see a Fendi bag like this, I am getting nostalgic early aughts Sex and the City. Then, close the baguette bag in the world, and these four girls were always somewhere to make sparkling, beaded bag, disgusting (not to speak of something wonderful to use it). And even if I like a memory of that time, I think my main criticism of the Fendi Beaded Clutch.
Fendi clutch pearls
It feels like Sex and the City did, which means it does not feel new. Fendi, as a brand that seems to linger around 1999 in their accessories department, and although the chopsticks are an important part of history handbag, I want them to renew a little more. Spy bag was great, of course, and many people like B-Bag, but if you only produced two sacks popular by decade, you should get with the program. As a brand they have such incredible resources and opportunities, I'm not sure why they still live in the past. Buy through Net-a-porter for $ 2,140.