I have a confession to make before talking about this bag: My favorite bag from my personal collection is a purple hobo. Balenciaga mine instead of Fendi, but it is safe to assume that I have a little bias when it comes to bags like Fendi Hobo Mia chain strap. I found my purple hobo to be useful and easy to imagine how many different outfits could go with this bag is not particularly difficult.
More than anything, but I think this bag is still evidence that Fendi has finally hit their stride after a few years to find the right tone. The materials are nice, the logo is there but does not base the entire packet, and it seems something a lot of different women would be proud to do. We have come to something like Fendi Renaissance?
We talked about this Fendi can wake up several times (for example, earlier this week, Fendi baguette floral), and I think I've finally seen enough to believe. Fendi was able to change the aesthetics of the overworked and logo-ridden classic, and totally unexpected flash here and there, and I think that is a huge improvement.
This is obviously not one of their beach bags, but that does not mean he should be ignored - simplified, plain bags in beautiful leather sell well for almost all brands and I think this bum, all Mia on the line he comes from is a solid classic brand handbag online can be built. Shop by Nordstrom for $ 1590th